Legislation and standardization
Product groups
International activity
Export - Collective export Trade fairs
As it was foreseen the Lounge ITMAM was celebrated in Casablanca, from October 7 until October 10 spent, with the out-standing participation of nine companies in a collective pavilion of AFEC.
The works previous to preparation, realized from the Association, with the participation of the companies assistants to the Fair, began with an exploratory and explanatory visit of the manager of the Association Casablanca to define and to negotiate the terms of our participation in the event.
Defined the same ones, there was proceeded to choose the company that would design and would make the stand, to decide the advertising complementary actions, to make the Catalogue of the Fair, and to define the machines to present, and thus to select the transporter and transitario, that it should take charge of the important and delicate mission transporting and placing the teams in every individual stand and of his later collection.
As consequence of the said visit previous, made use to contact with the Commercial Attaché of the Embassy of Spain and with the Spanish Chamber of commerce in the above mentioned city, there arose the idea of realizing a presentation of the Spanish manufacturers of the Sector of the Air conditioning to a select nucleus of Moroccan businessmen of the sector, architects, engineers, distributors, chiefs of buy, etc. The services of the Chamber would entrust themselves later of the mailing of more than 1.800 invitations to visit our stand and of the invitations and the logistics of the said presentation.
The program of advertising actions materialized in two insertions in each of two economic publications of more prestige and throw of the country, Vie Economique and L'Economiste, as well as a reporting to finished page on the last page of the official catalogue of the Fair.
Once entrusted and realized the creativity of the reporting, there was chosen, with light changes, the same design as front of our catalogue in the Fair.
The process of implantation of the stand, of the decoration of the same one and of the Installation of the machines developed according to the due thing, in such a way that in the first hour of the evening of the day previous to the opening everything was prepared.
The Secretary of State realized the opening of the Fair á l'Habitat Excmo. Mr. D. Mohamed M'BARKI accompanied by the General manager of l'OFEC, International Fair of Casablanca, D. A. Barbache and other local authorities. In the course of the above mentioned opening the covey and especially Mr. the Minister they stopped in the Spanish pavilion where there visited each and everyone of the individual stands of the present companies, requesting information of same, of the exposed products, and of the reasons for which the sector of the Spanish Air conditioning had chosen Morocco and in particular Casablanca to exhibit his products.
Our pavilion was visited also by D. Antonio González Ferrari, and Dña. Inés Robredo, representing the ICEX, without whose support hardly had produced to itself our assistance to the said Lounge. The place, the design, the achievement, and in general the presentation of the stand and of the exposed teams, deserved the approval of our visitors.
For lack of a detailed evaluation of the results of the actions it arrives said, feeling general of the companies assistants: CASALS, FISAIR, HITECSA, HITSA-TOPAIR, KOOLAIR, LENNOX, ROCK, SAUNIER DUVAL and TECNIVEL, is of satisfaction for the realized contacts, that they open a way of possible collaboration with manufacturers or Moroccan distributors.
In next dates there will be sent the companies that have taken part in the Lounge, a poll and papers that allows to evaluate the different aspects of this first collective participation and to examine the commercial results, according to the perspectives, that of the Fair, had every company, when he decided his participation. In the above mentioned meeting there will be delivered the final breakdown of the expenses, which for lack of the contabilización of small games and of last hour, it is possible to move forward that they are inside the due thing.
The mass media of Morocco gave a special attention to the Spanish presence with reportages and interviews in some of them, as for example the newspapers Le Matin or L'Economiste, as well as a few declarations of the person in charge of the Spanish pavilion, for the news, in French language, of the Moroccan television.
On Thursday, the 7th of October there took place the official presentation of the sector of the Spanish air conditioning in Casablanca.
The call, of selective character, was directed to the businessmen and Moroccan professionals, that as it indicates the experience of other fair calls, they are unwilling to visit the stands. The presence of several Spanish companies in the Fair, was an unbeatable opportunity to establish the first professional contact in a more distended and agreeable frame than that of a fair enclosure. Thus it was taking advantage and optimizing our presence in Morocco.
The act celebrated in the splendid frame of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Casablanca, was provided with the assistance of more than 150 persons, between whom they were included: the Economic Adviser of the Spanish Embassy, the Commercial Attaché, the President and the Manager of the Chamber, a representation of the ICEX, Press, the representatives of nine companies that were appearing in the Fair, and out-standing professionals of the sector of the Air conditioning of Morocco.
The manager of the Association, D. José Mª Ortiz, was grateful for his presence to the guests and in the course of a brief exhibition, supported with computer means, realized a presentation of AFEC, of the activities that it develops, of the forums in which it takes part, and of the services that it offers.
Next, it realized an introduction of the present companies in the Fair and the teams made by the same ones, inviting the present professionals that his stands will visit.
To finish his conference, the manager referred to the tendencies in the air conditioning in Spain with special mention to such topics as: quality of the interior air, evolution in the use of the refrigerating gases, energy yields and energy qualification of the buildings, cost along the useful life, etc.
The act, which extended for space of several hours, ended with a coctail served in the court of the Chamber, appropriately adorned for this occasion. In the course of the latter phase, the representatives of the companies assistants had the occasion to contact the Moroccan professionals who, in good number, were present at the said event.
Although it is difficult to realize an evaluation of the value of the realized contacts, and especially of the results of the same ones facing the future, yes it can be said that the primary target of a collective presentation of a sector in a foreign country, to be announced and not to happen unnoticed, obtained fully with the presence in the Fair and with the act of the Chamber.
Given the low current levels of use of the air conditioning in Morocco, and considering the foreseeable evolution to the rise of the tourism in this country, and of the services that the same one demands, the privileged position of exit obtained by the Spanish manufacturers is alone the first step.
The way opened with this first visit will owe Morocco, surely, be covered again throughout next months and even years, of collective and/or individual form, not only to support the contacts realized in this occasion but to deepen them and to increase them, in accordance with the evolution of the market.
AFEC Stand
Casals Stand
Lennox Stand
Koolair Stand
Hitsa Topair Stand
Saunier Duval Stand
Tecnivel Stand
Roca Stand
Fisair Stand
Hitecsa Stand