Legislation and standardization
Product groups
International activity
General Assembly
Celebration of the General Assembly of AFEC
At its General Assembly, the Association presented a Strategic Plan for 2025, as well as the Management Report, the Annual Report for 2019 and its Financial Statements.
Madrid, June 18, 2020. This year and before the situation generated by the COVID-19, the General Assembly of the Association of Manufacturers of Equipment of air conditioning (AFEC), has been carried out for the first time telematically. A total of 67 assembly members participated in this air conditioning sector event, representing the associated companies and honorary members.
The meeting of work began with the words of opening and welcome on the part of the President, Luis Mena, who, in its letter of introduction to the Memory, made reference to what is happening in 2020, wishing that the worst thing of the pandemic has already happened for all, emphasizing the role of AFEC, from the first days of the crisis by the COVID-19 as well as the importance of belonging to an Association that defends the interests of the sector.
Also it emphasized, the positive balance of the activities carried out by AFEC in 2019, "The situation of the economy and of our market was of certain stability during the whole last year... AFEC continues advancing in its work of support and representation of the sector in all the fields and in all the facets".
The Assembly, was the scenario to carry out the presentation of the Strategic Plan A25, whose objective is to project to future the role of AFEC, for with the associates and the sector, through activities of promotion, disclosure and formation among others.
In relation to this, the President explained its scope, purpose, structure, organization, financing and the activities to be developed and promoted, in order to adapt the Association to future changes.
Among the main actions that this Strategic Plan seeks to develop is the strengthening of internal and external communication, always seeking to ensure that each of the actions developed will benefit the Associates and the sector.
The above-mentioned Plan, which will undoubtedly bring about a significant change for the Association, was unanimously approved.
The Director General, Pilar Budí, in her speech highlighted the most relevant issues of the Management Report, following with the presentation of the different chapters of the 2019 Report, which includes aspects such as Market Evolution, Information in the Association, Relations with Official Bodies and other Entities, the C&R Fair, Standardization, etc.
Among the milestones of 2019, it is worth mentioning the celebration, for the first time, of World Refrigeration Day, an activity that set a precedent for the air conditioning and refrigeration sector and which was widely publicized through the media, as well as the EUREKA Roadshow Spain 2019.
The numerous activities developed during the exercise 2019 and the participation in diverse Forums have expanded the relations of AFEC with diverse organisms and have strengthened some of the ones that already were maintained. Also noteworthy were the steps taken with various Ministries, IDAE, electric companies, energy entities and other regional bodies, etc.
The signing of a collaboration agreement with the Employment Agency of the Madrid City Council, for issues related to training in Heat Pump technology and other aspects of air conditioning, as well as the signing with the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), of a General Action Protocol for the promotion of the use of the Aerothermal Heat Pump and the dissemination of energy statistics, were other noteworthy issues.
The Heat Pump Promotion Plan has strengthened its institutional presence, giving 13 conferences, with a total participation of around 800 attendees, making a total of 52 conferences during its 4 years of existence, a figure that has managed to reach almost the entire national territory, where it has taken not only the Heat Pump Promotion Plan, but also the name of the companies that sponsor it.
In relation to UNE, fits to indicate that besides forming part of its Board of directors, of the group of work for the development of its Strategic Plan, of several Commissions and of exercising the Secretariat of the Committee CTN 100. Within the framework of the aforementioned Committee CTN 100, work continues in WG 19, for the development of the Standard entitled "Energy Balance of Heat Pump Equipment. Calculation Methodology".
The sectorial legislation has been another key issue and, based on this, all the Associates have been informed about all the relevant aspects of it in relation to the air conditioning sector.
The Treasurer, Antonio Mediato, presented the financial statements for 2019, as well as the budget for 2020, which, like the Management Report and the Annual Report, were unanimously approved.
The Assembly finished with a message of gratitude on the part of the President, to all the assistants by its participation and by the deposited confidence in the work that AFEC comes performing in favor of its Associates and of the sector.